Certified Facebook Ads Manager for genuine brands

This is an animation of Samatha Bright pulling different fun facial expressions. Sam is wearing a white t-shirt and is standing in front of a bright blue, sand and black mural.
Ads for Breakfast graphic with two sausages, bacon and a fried egg on a white plate.

I’m Sam Bright.

Yes, Bright.

A literal ray of sunshine in the ever-changing, frustrating world of social media ads. And I’m serving up piping hot ad campaigns, stacked funnels, and record-breaking conversions for your business.

Ads for Breakfast egg on toast graphic

You’re an ambitious, hardworking overachiever? Gurl, same.

I’ve always had my eyes on the prize, just like you. I started my career in the finance industry in 2004. Over the years, I experienced everything business has to offer: 

  • The highs and lows

  • The elation

  • The exhaustion

  • The sleepless nights

Not only that, I know what it’s like to be the only woman in a room full of blokes. The only woman on the sales team.

I gave myself a concussion hitting the glass ceiling

So I went out on my own. Sound familiar?

I took matters into my own hands and founded, grew, and eventually sold a successful mortgage broking business.

In the afterglow, I realised a thing or two.

Elevating women is my jam. The thing that lights me up? Working with savvy business women who are kicking ass and taking names.

And managing epic, data-driven ad campaigns is how I do it.

Sam Bright does nothing by halves

I started managing Facebook ads for my own business years ago. You know…during the golden age. When reach was sky-high and re-targeting was a cinch.

These days, things have changed. But honestly, when Zuckerberg spits his dummy, I don’t flinch.

Because I’ve invested thousands of dollars to learn the ins and outs of the Facebook ads ecosystem. All so you don’t have to.

Get ready to reap the benefits.

My Elite Ad Manager certification taught me how to create profitable and scalable ad campaigns using proven systems. You’ll make bank on your own terms — no second guessing or watering down your message.

And hey, I’m also part of the Elite Ads Illuminati. The exclusive group of graduates hell-bent on world domination through Facebook ads. This international brains-trust gives me access to the latest updates and support. Not only that, regular training and workshops mean I create high-converting campaigns based on what works right now.

Bottom line? When you choose Ads for Breakfast, you’re getting a data driven life-long learner with a side of business hype-woman.


Stop stressing about Facebook ads. Boost your sales (and your impact) with my proven system.

Rooted in science, research and data, I use my proven 4-step process to get the high-converting, revenue-boosting, relationship-building results you need. Here’s how:

  • Ads For Breakfast Process step 1 pink iced doughnut graphic.


  • Fried egg on toast graphic


  • Two slices of toast popping from a toaster graphic


  • Ads for Breakfast English breakfast graphic with two sausages, bacon and a fried egg on a white plate.


Samantha Bright Certified Elite Ads manager for Facebook ads holding a cardboard sign which reads "Look at me."

I eat ads for breakfast.

Sam Bright is a certified Elite Ads Manager with a singular passion: elevating business women with life changing Facebook ad returns. With a decades-long career in finance under her belt, Sam turbocharges online businesses with smart, data-driven, sophisticated campaigns.

Sam works with digital creators, online educators, coaches, consultants, and marketing professionals to take the WTF out of Facebook advertising.

When she’s not eating ads for breakfast, Sam is a chook-loving, dahlia-growing, 80s-loving mum of three. She’s an enthusiastic supporter of women in business and she’s on a quest to make the internet a more positive, productive place.